Expired Intro Letter Writing Tips
Real Estate Training: Expired Listing Intro Letter Writing Tips.
Here are 16 steps to writing an effective letter to Expired Listings, your FARM, or For Sale by Owners.
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Expired Intro Letter Writing Tips
Number one, always use spell check there’s usually a typo somewhere in your letter maybe have someone else look at it number to write in first person from your heart another words not Joe thinks of this it’s it’s you right but number three you also want to try not to use too many eyes or me words did you know that some people count the number of eyes you have an email just rephrase the sentence instead of saying i’m going to be in the neighborhood you could say Wednesdays are our meet The neighborhood day.
Number four I can be used if you’re telling your story things that happened to you and related to you you’ve seen that on American Idol or the voice where they go when they tell their story when you’re telling your story I is okay. The rest of the time of course it’s about them. Member fine you’re taking said you’re listening to this temperature raining remember to act like a top producer.
Number seven take out words like I want to do better I want to be better I’m not good enough yet. Number eight add PS offers and a strong call to action and example might be PS find out the value of your home instantly. A strong offer may be go to your house value house value.com
Number nine ask yourself would you take the time to respond to the offer that you just made it. 10 use bullet points know when it’s time to focus on reading every single word 11 make your bullet point sentences standouts a tab them over a bit number 12 you short headings that show your benefits above paragraphs number 13 add a little color in headings.
Number 14 give specific instructions go here click this call this phone number today find out how to get something go to this.com and enter your email address get a free buyers guide relocation guide whatever it is go to your website and enter the email address see how this directions are very specific number 15 always direct them back to your website. Make sure you have a lead capture form on the page you send them to.
Number 16 put landing pages on your website especially your seller landing page would be your instant house value and a buyer landing page would be a free search right so that’s it there are your that’s today’s real estate training in how to write an effective letter for expired’s for sale by owners and farm.
Top Pro Group Only your letter has been written for you with all of the calls to action on step 502 of the Expired Certification. You will also find custom flyers currently used by top producers there as well.